Ramon Flores’ Coming Out Story: The Pains of Pride

Fresh out of grammar school, I enjoyed the summer to the fullest. Living in my parents’ house, I still had rules to follow, curfews, and constant communication with my parents. However, I felt free knowing I had more liberty as an adolescent entering high school soon. I was still figuring out who I was asContinue reading “Ramon Flores’ Coming Out Story: The Pains of Pride”

The Shortcomings of American Education: The Fall of A Facade

The higher powers of the American education system have always intrigued me, particularly how a select group of white men created the framework for the content that each and every one of us grew up learning.  Students spent our most vulnerable years learning the history of our country, but from what perspective? Don’t get meContinue reading “The Shortcomings of American Education: The Fall of A Facade”

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